Monday, April 15, 2024

6 Tips To Help You Sleep Better

You keep tossing and turning, and it is 3 am, and you have not had enough sleep. You wake up early feeling weary and cranky in a sore mood, and you keep asking yourself what the solution might be. This might be getting on your nerves and even affecting your performance. You try self-prescription of sleeping pills but are afraid of its side effects. Lack of sleep can expose you to various health effects, including diabetes. You should, therefore, get enough sleep. Below are some tips that can help you sleep better.

Create a sleep schedule

A typical human being requires at least 7 hours of sleep every day. You can create a schedule by having a pattern of sleeping and waking up. This will help your body adapt and ensure you don’t over or undersleep. If you are having difficulty sleeping and it’s already past your bedtime, try to indulge in a relaxing activity such as reading a book to get you to sleep. If you learn more about sleeping, you can create a perfect schedule.

Create a conducive environment for sleep

A quiet, dark, and relaxed environment can put you into a deep slumber. Avoid taking your unfinished work to complete in the bedroom; computers and TVs should be put out to eliminate the effect of bright lighting screens before bedtime. Blocking out noise from outside and investing in heavy dark curtains can help put out the light from the surrounding environment that could distract you from sleeping. Comfortable bedding, including pillows, is also very necessary.

Exercise during the day

Working out will not only help you cut weight but also ensure that you get the sleep that you need during the night. Exercising promotes the production of sleep and stress hormones that leaves you relaxed, but keep it at least 3 hours away from your bedtime. Exercising too close to bedtime might leave you active, energized, and sleep-deprived.

Eat, but not a lot

A full stomach is so uncomfortable when you want to sleep, and so is an empty stomach because it will keep rumbling, making it hard for you to sleep. To have a sound sleep, you should eat a meal 2-3 hours before your bedtime, and in case you get hungry, eat something light, probably a snack.

Avoid caffeine and other sleep-depriving components

Before going to bed, avoid snacks that contain caffeine and alcohol because they are stimulants. Caffeine stimulates your brain, making it harder for you to sleep; while alcohol can make you sleepy, it has the same stimulating effect and will leave your brain active, making you lack sleep. You should also avoid spicy foods to keep your acid levels in check for a comfortable night.

Incorporate pre-sleep activities into your routine

It’s time to go to bed; you have been awake during the day, so a transition has to happen. How do you achieve this? Indulging in activities such as reading and showering before bed might be a perfect way to do it. These activities will leave you relaxed, and in no time, you will be in slumberland. Remember to refrain from indulging in strenuous activities, for they will leave you stimulated.


Sleep is an essential aspect of human psychology. When you learn more about sleeping, you will know its advantages and be prompted to follow your sleeping pattern. Following these tips will help you sleep better.

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